Tuesday, November 29, 2011

be strong young lady:))!

assalamualaikum and salam sayangg

hello it's about 10 in the morning and i just wake up from becoming sleepy beauty
i did sleep back after i perform my subuh prayer
actually i've wake up more earlier at5.30 andd bla bla bla maybe
when a message enter my inbox,when a lots of missed called was there
yeah!and it's youu ask me to pick up the phone
hello it's morning and i wanna sleep.don't forcing me to what i don't wanna do
i just did replying a piece of the text,hope he'll understand okay:(

nevermind,just ignore what i'm babblingg bla bla bla!
the main point for this updated post was totally dedicated to my silly little dorm sis
yeah she's UMI NORDIN.do click on the name if youu like to wish her something:)0

actually today's she'll get into an operation
i donno the right thing that happen to her
i'm just hear that ppl around me do saying that she got a tumor at his hand
and it need to be operate as soon as possible(it's correct my spelling?)

i noe it's not the simple thing if it's about an operation
wowww,i never noe what's the feeling of being operated coz i never and don't want it too
but somehow i'm thinking alone?why i need to be too frightened when hear the word OPERATION coz oneday i'm also being the one who learn abput that soon
when i'm entering medical assistant college this january
that's what i'm aiming in my life and i will be in the future

sometimes i didn't believe that i got the thing
success in that interview whereas the interviewer keep on sycho me that
"hey gurl,just stay at ur current college and let the other to get this job"
HELLO,it's never been stated that whose had continue their study can't apply for this
can't get this?am i rite?YES i'm rite coz i've proven it by myself

but i would like to congratulate myself too

eh eh back to the main point
what the hell i'm merapuu x tentu arahhh ni

what's all i can say is:

GOD give her the strengh of having this

and do blessing her in everyway you can do<3

i hope the operation will be okayyy,UMI NORDIN iloveyouu lil sis:))

Monday, November 28, 2011

i smile,you smile

final is over!!!
holiday is ever~

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

no title

assalamualaikum dan salam sayang

good morning everybody
so weirdo i'm writing this post at this time
subuh-subuh jarang orang ade mood nak berblogging

but me is different with others

act i've wake up earlier than usual
don't noe why?
my eyes just open and can't my fantasy journey is ended there.fullstop!

so i'm quickly went to fana's lappy
as i was overnite at kamsis last nyte
for what?
in making some discussion about microeconomics with the classmate
stop asking more,like there is an introgetion there(isn't the spelling is correct,lantak pi lah!)

as the lappy didn't off since last nyte
suddenly i feel like wanna write something here
just to makesure that my brain cell become active for today
since i've planned to memorize a lot for today
yes!memorize a book of marketing
i only can finished about two chapter last nite since my eyes was so sleepy
and i'm not feeling well too
i got a non-serius fever and coughly badly at nite coz of the sneezyness
tekak saye pun tak sedap,telan telan air liur like there's something blocking there

that's all do wish me goodluck in this becoming final exam okay


Saturday, November 12, 2011


assalamualaikum dan salam sayang

i'm finding my mood for study
in my schedule it should be marketing for today
hope it'll work well

feeling so bored being at home
everybody is busying study for the final
i wish the best for us,hope there'll be a miracle beside our effort rite

not enough with that,don't ever forget HIM
he always beside us even though we can't see it
but believe HE always in our heart

okay allowed me to continue my writing in MALAY

kenape kebanyakan daripada kite sebagai hambanya sering mencari ketika susah sahaja?

or when we asking for something only
i'm not saying yang saye ni bagos sangat,alim sume
tetapi kalau kite fikir-fikirkan
kenape kite mesti meminta ketika memerlukan sahaja dan lupekan bile sudah dapat
kenape kite hanya mencarinya bila dalam kesusahan tetapi lupekan bile sudah senang

if we do thinking about that,we'll saying that it's true

sebab ape?kite tidak pernah bersyukur dengan kurniaaNYA

marilah kite same-same berubah ke arah yang lebih baek
jangan menjadi seseorang yang hanya bersikap hipokrit

sebab tak akan kite merase sebenar-benarnye KEMANISAN IMAN itu tanpa keikhlasan di hati ketika sujud kepada NYA

hari hari mendatang mendekatkan kite dengan kematian
kite tak pernah tahu BILE AJAL MAUT KITA
semuanya berda di tanganNYA
jadik buatlah amal kebaikan selagi kite termampu
bertaubatlah selagi kite mempunyai waktu

saye menasihati bukan untuk orang laen sahaja
tetapi untuk same-same kita perbaiki diri kita termasuk saye yang serba kekurangan ini

sujulah kepadanya setiap masa
ingati lah dirinya setiap saat
kerana dia sentiasa ade untuk kita

jangan lah hanya mencari bile memerlukan dan tinggalkan apabila sudah dapat ape yang di carii



Friday, November 11, 2011


assalamualaikum dan salam sayang

i'm not in the mood of study even though it's the STUDY WEEK
i don't know why but it's the thing that happen to me

wth having this kind of crazy lazyness feeling
it's doesn't worth me at all

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Assalamualaikum dan salam sayangg:))

i don't know what kind of syndrome are affecting myself
coz recently it was like most everyday i do update this bloggie

HAHA nevermind just ignore about that
okayy my holiday gonna be ended coz
i will heading back to IPOH this afternoon
(to be more specific my ticket is at12.30)
OMG i will miss my hometown so much
and of course my lovely parents and familyy

YA ALLAH,give a strength to me
my mission is:study hard for the final
i know that everybody is aiming for the best result and 4FLAT of course
but we must struggle a lot in order for looking forward that
there is no success without any efforts

i didn't target to muchh
but i believe that i can give moreee for this FINAL




Monday, November 7, 2011

anggun tapi terancam

assalamualaikum dan salam sayang:))

hyehye dan salam aidiladha

baru sekarang nak ucap raye padahal raye dah dua hari lepas

tapela at least saye wish jugak untuk umat ISLAM semua ye!

eh eh cantik tak perempuan ni?

main point:pada matenye!

back to the topic,tadi saye baru je tengok WANITA HARI INI(WHI)
satu rancangan yang sangat memberi informasi buat saye

ramai remaja tak suke tapi saye suke tengokk,abah i pon penonton setia tau!

hari ni topik hangat lagi sensasinya adalah berkisarkan tentang:



ape guna cantik kalau membayakan diri sendiri ye dok!HAHAHA

menda ni memang cantik dipakai tetapi mempunyai side effect kepada
para pengguna yang mempunyai alahan kepada 'latex' iaitu getah
sebab kebanyakan daripada gam pelekat bulu mata palsu ini diperbuat daripada getah dan mostly yang murahlahh sebab diorang nak kurangkan kos production

curi daripada mr.google

dan bulu mata palsu ni terbahagi kepada dua jenis
which is fiber and synthetic(entah betol dok aku tulis omputih ni)
so pilih dengan kesesuaian diri anda okay!

bahayenye sehingga menyebabkan keradangan,bengkak,kulit mengelupas dan sebagainya
kalau tak silap artis kita sendiri pun ade terkena menda ni

oleh itu sesiape yang nak pakai tu boleh tapi kebersihan mesti diutamakan
cuci tangan semasa nak memakai dan mencabut mende alah ini
disamping itu,pastikan gam pelekat tuh serasi dengan kulit anda
kalau boleh test dulu gam pelekat tuh kat kulit tangan
dan biar selama 10-20 minit dan tengok reaksinye ye!

itu sahaja,selamat beramal

nih saye sajikan sedikit tatapan buat semua:

wah ade macam-macam gaye,warna fuhh!puas nak pilih mane satu ni

kalau nak nampak lebih ekstrem pakailah yang ni,nah bulu mata kaki serangga HAHAHA!

HAH yang ni lagi stylo,dah macam hantu aku tengok

teknik pemanjangan bulu mate

sape nak try la,okay!

byebye semua!

Friday, November 4, 2011

penantian hampir berakhir

assalamualaikum dan salam sayang

cop cop before that,ce tengok title post tuh!
macam bunyi ape je,penantian la sgt
padahal nak story ape je punn,gimik lebih

ALHAMDULILLAH,akhirnya saye selamat sampai di bumi KUANTAN ini
setelah berjam jam duduk dalam bas
bayangkan tiket aku pukul 11.00 malam tapi bas terlewat pukul 11.30 baru gerak
so at last aku sampai KUANTAN pukul 6.30 pagi
OHMYGOD lame x lame?memang konpem lame plus duduk dalam bas tuh mengalahkan suhu dekat australia,fuhh sejuk yang amat.tak tahu dah nak buat macam mane,tak tahu jugak nak duduk macam mane

so akhirnya perjuangan aku sebagai junior SEM1 akan berakhir
ulangsuara akan berakhir tapi tak berakhir lagi(okayy,ayat keling)
bukan ape sebab aku masih kene hadap study week 2 minggu
and my final will be held on 22,23 and 24 of november(tu dia omputih dah kua,lantak pi la)

that's all my post for today
with that ,i THANK YOU

can't wait for hari raye haji
nak makan rendang sume bagai,plus nak upload gambar baruu
tunggu jangan tak tunggu

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

medical check up,RAW#

assalamualaikum dan salam sayanggg:))

yawww good evening guyss!(poyo kan?)
HAHAHA yeah i'm just coming back from medical check up

for what?

terkejot kan i tibe-tibe nak bersemangat patriotik
HAHA nevermind
saje rase nak jadik orang berguna tok negare.ceh!ayat~

okay back to the story
this morning,i went for medical check up
it was be done at HOSPITAL PANTAI IPOH

  • urin test
  • blood test
  • x-ray
here is some picture:

x-ray cover,cantekkan kan:))

me and fana(kak chik)

and the picture below was taken after the blood test section
yeah!it was my first time doing this
but fortunatelly it went well,alhamdulillah~
tak saket punn sumpah tak tipuuu!!!

yaw,my bloody cotton~

after that,we took some picture
in front of the specialist hospital since the view it's quite okayy

that's all have a nice day guyss,PYEPYE!